While strolling through an antique collective in Sebastopol, California this weekend, I came across an unopened vintage package of Huckleberry Hound birthday party plates (pardon the fuzzy iPhone photo):
The characters represented include a poor tracing of a stock post of Huck, even worse renditions of Yogi, Boo Boo, Yakky Doodle, Snuffes, and Mr. Jinks, a barely recognizable Pixie and Dixie, a couple of crows, a wasp…and a giant cowboy mouse wearing a hat identifying himself as “Tex.”
I don’t remember a Tex Rodent in early Hanna-Barbera cartoons. Am I forgetting him?
I’m vaguely recalling Tex as yet another relative of Pixie and/or Dixie with a booming voice by Daws Butler. (And it looks like he likes chinese food!)
The crows and the mosquito are one shot characters from Huckleberry Hound.
Ah here we go: I’ll bet it’s Cousin Tex.
Yeah, I remember having a paper plate set like that at my birthday when I was a little girl. Of course, the characters–even the one-shots like “Yowp” (really, THAT was the dog’s name?) and the cowboy mouse–looked quite different on the plates than they did on TV.
It’s Uncle Pecos, and the crows are Iggy & Ziggy.