Hi, my name is Harry. In 1998, I launched this personal site–and it’s been around ever since, in various forms and with less or more activity on my part.
This current version launched in May 2007, with a modest revamping in October 2009, some additional tweaks in June 2012, a bit of a redesign in May 2016, and a bigger one in August 2021. I live with my wife Marie and three cats in the Westlake District of Daly City, California and am technology editor at Fast Company. Before that, I was an editor at large for TIME; before that, I founded and edited a web site about personal technology called Technologizer. Before that I was vice president and editor-in-chief of PC World. Here’s my Linked In profile with more details about my professional life.
Except for a few story links on the front page, you actually won’t find much at all about technology on this site. My Fast Company author page has my recent writings, and you can visit Technologizer to see what I was up to before that. TIME also has an author page with stuff I wrote for them.
For the longest time, the photo of me on this page was borrowed from a 2007 New York Times article about my journalistic adventures. I finally decided to retire it in favor of a current portrait. But you can still read the Times article.