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How Do They Produce Newspapers in Iowa, Charlie Brown?

A long-lost and completely inexplicable adventure of Charles Schulz's immortal blockhead and fussbudget. (July 2005)

Swell Places: The Department Store Dummies of Beijing

They're stylish, plasticky, and seem to take their work very, very seriously. A few photos. (October 2004)

Swell Places: A Cartoon Fan's Tour of Paris

A quick visit to the city of lights, Tintin, Tex Avery, Asterix, Hot Stuff, and much more... (April 2003)

The Blue Angels in San Francisco

My photos of a bunch of airplanes flying really fast over the city, taken from my apartment roof. (October 2002)

Me at the World Series

The third game of the 2002 World Series, or: Harry pays lots of money to see the Giants lose. (October 2002)

Virtual Exhibit: The Art (?) of the Home-Movie Cartoon Box

As far as I know, the first museum show, virtual or otherwise, devoted to the art on old home-movie cartoon boxes. (Updated January 2002)

Those Wonderful, Memorable, Never-to-be-Forgotten Animation Restaurants of Yesteryear

A nostalgic look back at all those eateries opened by animation studios in the 1930s and 1940s. I think I made this up. (From Apatoons #100, 1998.)

Holy Cows!

Photographs of a few of the several hundred fiberglass cows that make up the Windy City's Cows on Parade festival. (Posted September 1999)

Mystery Art

Drawings, photos, and other visuals which I can't explain. Last updated 7/19/02.

Swell Places: Montreal

My apologies to my French-speaking friends for this Anglophone pointer to snapshots from my recent visit to Montreal, Quebec.

Swell Places: Reno and Lake Tahoe, California

Take two whirlwind tours of Nevada: one of the Biggest Little City in the World (that's Reno to you and me) and one of nearby Lake Tahoe.

McCracken Across America

Because you demanded them: pictorial highlights of my August, 1998 trip to Washington State (not pictured), Oregon, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Start the tour