I haven’t been to Disney World in a long time, so maybe I’m out of touch here–but I just learned about Pal Mickey, a $60 electronic doll you’re supposed to tote around the park. He apparently uses wireless technology to tell jokes, spout factoids about attractions, and say things like “Say, ‘Fantasmic!’ will be starting in about an hour–If ya wanna see it, now’s a good time to go grab a seat!”
I have the feeling I’d want to chuck the little guy into a lagoon pretty quickly–unless his factoids included, say, the truth about Walt and Ub’s relationship. (Hey, Mickey was there.) But I still find the idea fascinating. And I like the above publicity photo, in which Minnie seems surprisingly placid upon discovering that someone has shrunk her boyfriend.
For more on Pal Mickey, check out this site.
(Link via Andrew Leal)